plataformatec/simple_form · GitHub 18 Oct 2014 ... Since Simple Form generates a wrapper div around your label and input by default, you can pass any html attribute to that wrapper as well ...
Can you change label display names when using simple-form in rails? I am using simple-form in rails and I would like to know if there is a ... You can use following way as well: In Model: LANGUAGES = {'English' ...
Rails - Custom html into simple_form label - Stack Overflow call html_safe method on the string you want not to be escaped. :check_boxes, :collection => current_user.items, :label ...
Simple form association custom label name - Stack Overflow You'll have to use the :label_method option for this. false, :label_method => lambda { |owner| ...
how to specify label for select in simpleform rails - Stack Overflow This is because is not a simple_form method and does not support :label. This should work for you w/ simple form.
simple form - Rails simple_form label for select - Stack Overflow This is because is not a simple_form method and does not support :label. Something like this should work for you w/ simple form.
ruby on rails - Simple Form Blank Label - Stack Overflow Have you tried label:false instead of label:"" : ...
simple form - Rails 4 simple_form collection_select - Stack Overflow How do I translate the following to simple form?
ruby on rails 3 - Simple form label class - Stack Overflow I want to use simple-form and bootstrap to generate a horizontal form .... In your config/initializers/simple_form.rb file, find the label class line and ...
Class: SimpleForm::FormBuilder — Documentation for plataformatec ... Creates a collection of check boxes for each item in the collection, associated with a clickable label. - (Object) collection_radio_buttons(method, collection, ...